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Why Do Students Struggle with Math?

Updated: May 7, 2021

As intriguing as the subject is, math is notorious for being confounding among the younger crowd. For many students, practicing math is a dreadful activity that takes a lot of effort and doesn’t come intuitively. From learning disorders to anxiety, poor teaching techniques and lack of practice, there can be many reasons for why your kids, siblings, or students struggle with math.

However, it's also crucial to understand that every child is different and may need individual attention to cope with mathematical problems. Let’s look at some common hindrances that may be stopping your younger one from doing their best:

An algebraic equation


Colloquially known as ‘number dyslexia’ or ‘math dyslexia’, Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that hinders a person’s ability to perform mathematical operations, understand number-related concepts and register formulas. The problems caused by dyscalculia aren’t limited to academic challenges; students may face difficulties telling time, performing calculations, and counting money.

While the exact causes of developmental dyscalculia are unknown, research has hinted toward genetic and brain development issues. Conversely, acquired dyscalculia can be caused by brain injury and trauma.

Math anxiety

While it’s easier to assume that students are bad at math due to lack of practice or interest, the empathetic approach is to understand their fears. For individuals with math anxiety, performing mathematically calculations is like jumping from an 18000 feet-tall mountain into the abyss. The disabling feeling of failing or performing badly in math, keeps them from performing their best.

Encouragement with positive reinforcement, reframing anxiety with a specialized approach and arranging personalized tuitions to help them overcome their fears can help your kids learn math with interest.

A kid practicing math

Math is difficult to relate to

While learning difficulties and anxiety are common problems among math-haters, these are not always the cases. Since math is an abstract topic, some students may find it challenging to understand the paper's concepts. Consequently, they may need to invest more time, work harder and practice more intensely to reach their goals.

Discouraged mindset

Since math has a negative reputation among school-going children, students may fall into what is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. Here’s how it works; you think math is the most difficult subject in the world that even geniuses have trouble working with. So, how could you possibly perform well? Of course, you’re doomed. This negative mindset can quickly transform into low motivation and poor performance. Talking to your children out of this may help them build confidence and self-esteem.

Get your kids additional help by reaching out to our online math tutors. At Pinnacle Xplore, we offer math, English, biology, Algebra 1 & 2, Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, advanced Math, College readiness math, PSAT, SAT, ACT and physics one-on-one tutoring services for students. Our experienced and skilled tutors have made math fun and interesting for many young minds.

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